
Greens Councillor condemns Brimbank Council move to silence debate

Greens Councillor for Brimbank Council, Geraldine Brooks has labelled changes to the Brimbank Local Meeting Law as grossly undemocratic.

"With the whole of Victoria watching Brimbank and the conduct of Brimbank Councillors, we need to demonstrate that we are a democratic Council making transparent and accountable decisions." Cr Brooks said, "I am very interested to know Bill Scales' view on this."

In an attempt to stifle independent opinions and debate, the ten Labor councillors voted to require a second councillor's signature before any motion can be moved.

"It is clear that this is aimed at preventing me from moving any motions and raising issues in the community interest," Cr Brooks stated.

"Motions may fail in the chamber but at least Councillors should have the right to raise the issues. Under this law that will be so much harder."

"It is also of concern that council staff agreed to this change at the request of an as yet unidentified Labor councillor”

"I have lodged a rescission motion, so this law will now need to be debated again at the July council meeting. I am hopeful that at least some councillors show enough respect for democracy and the community that elected me, and agree to throw out this undemocratic move."


Greens Councillor demands $30 Million civic centre funding to be spent on parks

Brimbank Greens Councillor Geraldine Brooks has called for the immediate cancellation of the $30 million dollar council civic centre project, with the money to be diverted to the improvement of parks and community facilities. "The benefits of this can flow immediately as the $2 Million dollars in the current draft budget that is destined for architects design fees could be go towards parks and playgrounds straight away" Cr Brooks said speaking to the ABC TV news today. "By this summer, our kids can be playing in an extra $2 Million worth of desperately needed playground and park improvements"
"At the April council meeting all 10 Labor councillors refused to second my motion to cancel the project to the benefit of parks, playgrounds, walking and cycling facilities" she said "Some councillors are now reacting to the community backlash by attempting to exclude Errington Reserve in St Albans as an option, however they all still believe the $30 Million should be spent on a council building elsewhere." Cr Brooks said. "This is beyond comprehension when many of our communities still lack the basics like quality parks for our children that those in other parts of Melbourne and even our neighbouring municipalities take for granted" she added.
"At the next council meeting I will once again be moving a motion to cancel the project so that such a huge amount of ratepayers funds can benefit them". "The park improvements are ready to go through the Better Parks Plan adopted last year." This is an opportunity for all councillors to get serious about funding it, not a $30 Million a shrine to themselves," she said.