
Greens Councillor condemns Brimbank Council move to silence debate

Greens Councillor for Brimbank Council, Geraldine Brooks has labelled changes to the Brimbank Local Meeting Law as grossly undemocratic.

"With the whole of Victoria watching Brimbank and the conduct of Brimbank Councillors, we need to demonstrate that we are a democratic Council making transparent and accountable decisions." Cr Brooks said, "I am very interested to know Bill Scales' view on this."

In an attempt to stifle independent opinions and debate, the ten Labor councillors voted to require a second councillor's signature before any motion can be moved.

"It is clear that this is aimed at preventing me from moving any motions and raising issues in the community interest," Cr Brooks stated.

"Motions may fail in the chamber but at least Councillors should have the right to raise the issues. Under this law that will be so much harder."

"It is also of concern that council staff agreed to this change at the request of an as yet unidentified Labor councillor”

"I have lodged a rescission motion, so this law will now need to be debated again at the July council meeting. I am hopeful that at least some councillors show enough respect for democracy and the community that elected me, and agree to throw out this undemocratic move."

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